Get set up to live in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

A community-driven platform for sharing information about tax, residency and life in Spain. For free.

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How it works

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Review what you need

Setting up in Spain can be a hassle. This platform is here to help you to get through the process of setting up tax, registering as autónomo, obtaining Empadronamiento, getting the NIE, and more.

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Use the platform to find out what others have to done to navigate the bureaucracy of the Spanish system.

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This platform works based on good will. If you found information that helped you, or noticed that something has changed in the process, we ask that you share it.

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Update this site

Since the burocracy changes so much and new information constantly becomes available, we keep a "living document" for each process. You can hit "Edit document" on any page and follow the steps to add your own experience.

Click below to get started 😏